We are committed to working in the health sector
- Employees of private hospitals and denominational institutions in Austria - from doctors to cleaners
- Social security employees
- Employees of the baths and sanatoriums
- Workers in sauna, solarium and pool businesses
- Therapeutic masseurs and medical masseurs in independent outpatient clinics for physical treatments
We demand for you
Reduction of working hours: Weekly working hours must be significantly reduced in order to reduce the burden on employees and to promote their health and job satisfaction.
Fair pay: Adequate pay in the health care sector is necessary to increase the reputation of the profession and secure the livelihood of employees.
Appreciation in and outside of times of crisis: During the COVID-19 pandemic, health workers were the heroes. This recognition of their indispensable work is needed at all times.
As a nurse, you come into contact with so many people, so many biographies. It is an extremely meaningful profession.