2015 Fair Transport Europe
More than ten million people work in the transport sector throughout Europe. They all deserve fair and equally good working conditions. However, competition between states increases wage and social dumping. The trade unions do not put up with this and therefore launch the "Fair Transport Europe" campaign in 2015. With a European Citizens' Initiative, we are taking joint action against grievances.
2016 10 years of vida
Since vida was founded in 2006, we have been tirelessly trying to make the world of employees more social and fair. We fought for a lot, we achieved a lot. On November 16, 2016, we celebrated our 10th birthday.
2017 Income must come in
Women in Austria earn around a third less than their male colleagues. In 2017, the vida women drew attention to the concerns of female employees under the motto "Income must come in – right away!" around 8 March, International Women's Day.
2017 1,500 Euro minimum wage
"Many people go to work and are still poor. This is not worthy of a rich economy like Austria," criticized vida chairman Roman Hebenstreit at a press conference in January 2017 in Vienna. At the same time, the vida state chairmen also held press conferences. We have called on the Chamber of Commerce to start a special round of negotiations – with the aim of raising all collective agreements in the affected sectors to a minimum wage of 1,500 euros as quickly as possible. And already in the 1st half of the year, the goal was achieved in 20 collective agreements.
2017 Say Yes to the Railway in Red White Red
Millions of passengers use our red-white-red trains every day. In the summer of 2017, vida launched the initiative "Say Yes to the Railway in Red White Red" together with the Chamber of Commerce. Together we have campaigned for the preservation of the red-white-red railways. With success: the direct award will be retained. That's a good thing. Because without them, railway companies can bid in tenders from anywhere in the EU, and our collective agreements as well as our labour and social law would be in danger.
2018 The Youth Confidence Council remains
The Youth Confidence Council (JVR) has been in existence since 1973. He is there for the concerns of the apprentices in the company . The plans of the federal government to abolish the youth council brought the trade union movement to the barricades in 2018. At a large works council conference of vida, we made our displeasure known. The campaign #JVRbleibt with thousands of signatures was a complete success. The government has abandoned its plan to abolish the JVR.
2018 #vidaspruch – No to the 60-hour week!
The economy orders, the government delivers: a new working time law with an impact on our health, leisure time and income. In 2018, we are loudly calling for #vidaspruch . It's time to "vidaspeak" to the falsehoods spread by the government! More than 800 works councillors come to the big vida conference in June 2018, and a few days later more than 100,000 people demonstrate with us at Heldenplatz in Vienna against the new Working Hours Act.
2018 Hot collective bargaining negotiations
On 1 September 2018, the new Working Hours Act will come into force. A few days later, the ÖGB calls all collective bargaining teams to Vienna. More than 900 works councils agree on a common line. For example, the collective bargaining negotiations at the railways are heated. On November 26, 2018, all trains will be at a standstill. But the signs are also pointing to a strike in the Austrian social economy.
2019 No smoke in the tavern
Everything had already been decided – the general ban on smoking in restaurants should have taken place on 1 May 2018. But with the new government, everything turned out differently. vida has supported the "Don't smoke" referendum throughout Austria with the campaign "No smoke in the pub". 881,569 signatures are a clear sign of healthy workplaces. Our efforts have paid off: Since November 1, 2019, the smoking ban in restaurants has been in force.
2019 Social work is worth more
Nursing is emotional hard work. Employees in the Austrian social economy deserve fair wages and more time for recovery. Thousands of people will take to the streets with us on 29 January 2019. On February 12, the employees get serious: three-day warning strikes will take place at 250 locations. On 18. February, the time has come: We achieve a strong wage and salary increase, an extensive working time package and a 6th week of vacation.
2019 More from us. Better for everyone.
The staffing in hospitals no longer fits in with everyday work. Hectic, overload, even dangerous situations are increasingly the order of the day. The trade union vida and the Chamber of Labour are therefore launching the initiative "More from us. Better for all" and draw attention to the precarious staffing situation in Austria's hospitals with unusual campaigns.
2019 World's first collective agreement for bicycle messengers
With the boom in online food ordering portals, the number of bicycle delivery drivers in Austria has risen sharply. In 2019, we reached the world's first collective agreement for bicycle messengers and food delivery workers. This collective bargaining agreement laid the foundation for the protection of employees under labour and social law. The new collective agreement came into force on 1 January 2020.
2019 4th vida Trade Union Congress
"Who, if not us? Courageously into the future! Let's go for it! Keep fighting!" With these words, the newly elected vida chairman Roman Hebenstreit ended the 4th vida trade union congress, which took place in Vienna in November 2019. Together, the delegates deliberated, discussed and elected the future of vida. With the basic program, they set the goals for the next five years.